Distance brings closure

One knock on the door brought her running towards it and on the second one , the only difference between them vanished . Y/n found herself instantly wrapped in the arms of her best friend, Taehyung pushing her inside while closing the door behind them . With her thrumming heart behind the rib cage came the raging spark which accumulated into a fuming intensity at the pit of her stomach as she found his lips on her ones .

A dejavu along with a belongingness followed , making her reciprocate the kiss with as much passion as Taehyung. Her hands found their residence at the back of his neck where his hairs reached while she felt his grip around her waist tighten . For once Taehyung parted their mouths to look into her eyes , his own one's darkened with the lust. His gaze swapped against her plumped lips coated with the wetness given by him and then those enticing orbs moved back to reconnect the contact .

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Miles to go miles to write | Imagining is fun | A little angst is exciting | A happy ending is amazing