“ I think this dress isn't for me . “ I was appalled by the ocean blue piece the moment my eyes laid on it . Not because it wasn't pretty but because it was too much . The dress revealed my cleavage more than I'd usually prefer. It had a deep , backless structure. Hence I felt practically naked . Then there went its sparkling bottom which covered my feet perfectly and yet there was a slash from the beginning of my right thigh , revealing my tanned leg as I walked .
I wouldn't prefer dressing up like this for my ball where I'd be practically choosing a perfect fiance for myself. No , never in my dreams .
“ I think this looks perfect on you , love. " My mother's finger brushed round my cheek , collecting the thin strands of hair that had escaped from the perfectly tied hair of mine . She circled it around her finger and let it fall in a curled form . Her reaction was calm but I could very easily catch the underlying dismay as she spoke those words so tenderly. Therefore, I chose to not speak any further.
It was this way forever. My parents would speak and I would agree with them . If I didn't agree then I was made to . There was no scope of my opinion being expected. Sometimes I felt like I was kept only because they needed a dummy .
“ I think you can take care of the rest here ." My mother spoke in her sweet venomous tone to the make-up artist who nodded her head giddily . “ Then I must take a leave now ." She was looking at me while I connected my gaze with her's through the mirror placed in front of me . I showcased a tight lipped smile and then watched her retreating figure .
A woosh of music and chilling air entered my room when mother had shortly opened the door . Melo jazz was playing downstairs where the guests had already assembled. Then as I was transferred back to my personal little cocoon of warmth , every sound was cut off as the door closed . I sighed , finally feeling the tension off my chest as mom had left .
“ Shall I begin with your makeup ma'am?" The person from beside looked unusually tense and stuff with the fake and forced grin on her face . Her hands seemed a bit shaky as well . “ You can relax now . She won't be back until I call her ." In an attempt to help her calm down , I decided to speak. It seemed to have worked a little as it received an embarrassed chuckle from the woman in her thirties .
“What kind of make-up are you looking for ?" She asked , preparing the set of necessities. I just smiled and replied , " I am sure my mother has already told you about it . “ I wasn't sure whether she caught onto the lingering remorse in my voice or not but most probably she preferred to dodge it away .
My mother was pretty cold to start with. Her rigorous behaviour was the reason behind my perfect etiquettes . According to her , women should always maintain their glory . Their treasure was their bosom and hair ; she made her mindset pretty clear with the dress she had made me wear glorifying both the features. Women should act sober and calm . Always. Their happiness shouldn't be expressed, but controlled. Laughing should be an elegant act rather than an outburst. Eating should be under a limit and the list would go on.
Tonight my mother wanted me to charm the men out there . But for a potential partner, I wished for nothing but to have a man who would accept me even if I happened to break the rules set by my mother someday. This marriage idea was of my father's who wished for me to get hitched and lead a life with a partner who would be there beside me in the absence of my parents. My mother wished for my marriage so that the reign of Kim continued. Just like she did in the past .
The idea of the ball came from my cousin Sohee . I would be forever grateful to her for saving me from meeting over seventy five men individually in the supposed perfect partner of mine list .
Shaking the rest of the piling thoughts in my head off I focused on the brushes which worked on my face to make me look perfect. This label of perfect could sometimes be heavy on my shoulders. At times when I felt like I could ignite it , I was still emphasised to be better than what I was already.
“ Is the makeup alright?" I realised I had zoned out yet again until the person from beside called out for a question. As my eyes then met the mirror, watching itself looking back I wouldn't say I was pleased with the work even though it was intricate enough to please my mother. Dark red lips , smokey eyes with a spark of golden , sharp contours… huh . “It's beautiful." As I replied I forced a smile just for the sake of the overly tense woman beside me.
It helped her ease down , this time with a genuine smile of agreement. “ Indeed ! You look gorgeous." But what was the point when I didn't feel it within me ? “ Thank you so much." I smiled yet again . Guess this was how the evening was going to pass . Fake smiles and not empathy.
“ You look gorgeous, Miss Kim ."
"You look absolutely stunning today."
"You're truly captivating."
"Your beauty is truly remarkable."
"You have an exquisite presence."
"You are undeniably gorgeous.” I yet again forced myself to smile while I lent my hands to yet another guy for a dance . I had lost count of how many people I had met since the evening or exactly when the clock struck nine . Last time I checked, it was six .
There were a whole lot of things going wrong presently. Some men would bore me out with their never ending speeches of my beauty. Some would be touching too much than what I'd prefer . I might have ended up stepping on a dozen feet tonight with no regret. Then there were some boasting about themselves and their achievements which were mostly about how famous they were amongst women and how great they were at golfing.
Presently I could barely keep up with the steps of the guy with whom I was dancing. Lord knew what happened to the music choices for the same songs repeating every now and then . On top of that , I was presently stuck with a person who considered himself to be a professional ballroom dancer because I couldn't quite comprehend how he was twirling and pulling me in and making me feel nauseous about it all at the same time .
At once when I had had enough I finally decided to intervene in his tiny bubble of whatever he was in . “ It was nice talking to you Mr . Brown… .” My words trailed in an attempt to take my hands out of his grasp, only for his hold to tighten. " Wait, we aren't yet done. “ Oh this shameless prick ! " I am aware but I am done here . “ That's it. I had finally lost the temper I had leashed back for so long. And , the guy was clearly offended.
" Excuse me ? I have come here to attend this stupid ball by cancelling my important meeting not for you to deny my company. “ Of course. I maintained the smile on my face . Calm and composed even though all I wished for was to step on other feet or maybe poke those eyes out who were shameless enough to skim my breast even when we were caught in a situation like this.
Preparing myself to speak I had just opened my mouth when another figure clamped in a black attire intervened , pushing that guy back lightly. My hands were freed instantly as the new inclusion to the conversation stood in front of me . “ Sorry for interrupting but then you are stupid enough to give up on your important meetings and attend this ball ."
" Excuse me ? “ An offended remark came from Brown’s side . The guy who stood in front of me just casually shook his head and said , “You are already excused if you didn't get it yet." This caused the right amount of embarrassment seemingly for the fuming guy to dash out towards the exit with angry strides and muttering vehemence .
The person in front, then turned around to face me giving a proper view of his form . Well built with a handsome face . At first glance that's all I could take in before , with a confident smirk he extended his hand in front of me and said “May I have the pleasure of this dance with you?" In the background, new music had taken over . It was more lively and something radiant enough to make the atmosphere lighten up. Besides me , many other couples had already moved to the dance floor , preparing themselves for a dance . Honestly this looked quite as much as those period dramas.
“ Sure ." I answered shortly, lending my hand to the guy in front of me. " So , what are you looking for in your potential partner ?" We stepped into the calmness of dancing, gently swaying along the music in the background when he had suddenly brought up the question.
" I'm not sure... Maybe someone who will accept me the way I am... Will love me and only me." My eyes stood steadied on him , gaze so intense that for a moment he seemed to have fumbled before returning into his old form . Calm and composed. Yet there was something striking about this man.
The lights had deemed down into a calming brightness, the white light resembling almost as if the grace of the moon . Our steps remained within rhythms . It was crazy how the night finally seemed to have fallen in place somehow with the presence of this man .
" May I know your name ?" I asked . His reaction was unusual, as I watched how a smirk crippled back on his lips. It was unusual yet sensuous somehow.
" Jungkook." He muttered before holding one of my hands and then took a step back before twirling me and pulling me back to himself. Our chests met , making me breath out a shudder due to the proximity .
" Jungkook..?" I questioned again, expecting his full name . But strangely he didn't reply but only smiled while monitoring our dance steps .
As I closely noticed his striking features , my eyes didn't fail to notice the glimpse of a scar embodying his left eye . A straight line marking his eyebrow and then continued down till his cheekbone. It was sharp , violent and yet added a fierceness in his looks . There was something beautifully macabre in this guy.
" Who are you ?" I had realised that he wasn't one of the men I was supposed to meet , the moment he refused to say his full name . But strangely enough I wasn't scared . There was an eeriness surrounding this guy which although didn't drive me away but rather set off a chain of goosebumps on me as his hand slightly brushed on the skin of my exposed back.
" You look gorgeous tonight… " His whisper brushed my face , making my eyes flutter down their gaze . “ But pretty suits you better." As the song in the background slowly grew intense, I could feel the tumultuous beat of my heart. Because it only intensified my belief that Jungkook was someone who shouldn't be here and also because this macabrish aura of his was luring me in.
“ You didn't answer my question.” My eyes gave in to the overwhelming closeness it had received from the person ahead while our steps mingled so perfectly amongst everyone.
" I'm someone whom you should have stayed away from , sweetheart. “
I fought back with his intense stare and looked back into his eyes while my hand which previously rested on his shoulder slowly slid down . " And yet we are close enough." I let out the statement confidently , trying to distract the mysterious guy while my hand was in an attempt to get a hold of the dagger I had carried around with myself almost every time when in a stuffy surrounding. It was there tugged in a belt which was wrapped around my upper thigh. I could feel the sharp bluntness of the dagger's end but before I could succeed to hold a grasp on the object, my hand was held back in a firm hold .
The roughness of his skin against my smoothened one set off a firey sensation within. A startled gasp escaped past my lips with the sudden act but the first sparkle of fear thrummed my chest when I felt that fierce touch abandoning my hand and rather sliding inside my dress .
" Get your hands off me . Now ." I tried to sound stern and probably succeeded but Jungkook wasn't emphasised . With the same eliciting grin he brought his hand back with the dagger dangling in his hold .
Our dancing steps faltered as the music lowered but there was still my heart thrumming in my chest with fear and strangely enough , excitement both roaring. " It was a nice try but..." His face inched dangerously close to me , so close that his cheek brushed against mine , making my figure go almost limp . The proximity was enough to set off the strange throbbing numbness and heat in my veins while I held my breath back , lips caught in between my lips as I felt the words whispered to me. " Next time try harder , it excites me ."
There would be a next time ? Even before I could process the warning, the lights in the hall went off immediately , setting off the voice filled with disdain from the surrounding. The spark of fear then had spread as a wildfire within me as my breathing picked its pace. I yelped in fear when I felt a tug on my hand , pulling me to walk but I tried to cease the action.
" What is your purpose?" It was pitch darkness all around yet I could sense exactly who was presently holding my hands .
Another pull on my hands and it was more violent this time but I refused to give up . " Let me go !" I made sure to yell which caught the attention from my surroundings. " What is going on ?!" My father's voice roared somewhere from the middle of the hall . " Dad-" before I could let out another scream I felt a strong hand on my mouth , which forced down my arriving voice into a mumble which could be barely heard amongst the commotion. The tingle of fear had then already burst into a rush of anxiety and adrenaline.
" Shut that pretty little mouth if you don't want your throat to be sliced down right now ." The whisper wasn't exciting anymore but rather something nightmarish. My eyes stung with the helplessness I faced when I tried to remove the hand on my mouth but terribly failed.
Instead I felt myself being dragged from where we previously stood . I tried my best to get off from this severe stronghold which was slowly suffocating me but failed terribly . My hands abused the ones who held me so firmly but it didn't even receive a flinch from the other.
By the time I could figure out the approaching exit door even through the darkness which had started to adjust with my sight , I gave a last try at getting away by making my heels stab the guy's right foot . It worked . My eyes sparked with a relief gushing through me when the stern held loosened and air surged through me . The guy gasped out a painful yelp but it was just a mumbled one .
On the other side , I attempted to take the opportunity to make a run but my little hope was crushed when I was again pulled back and this time was pinned to the wall . A blaring ache shot up my spine due to the force with which I was pushed back but that wasn't the only thing. I could swear that my fear hit the top when I felt the touch circling around my throat .
The gaze which my afraid eyes caught looked so different at that moment. It looked as if it belonged to a reaper. Pupils so dark and their reactions so angered. " I didn't wish to do this but you left me no other way ." His hands tightened around my throat cutting the circulation of air . It was so strong that it left my throat burning for air , making my eyes water .
But then came a replacement. He let go of my neck and then I felt a cloth enclosing my nose and mouth as I inhaled a strong stench of the scent which marred the material.
I wasn't a fool , I was aware of what it was for which I tried to protest, but my protesting hand was held back by the guy's free hand and he pressed my back to the wall harsher , with his knees pressed against my legs . My writhing protest under his deathly hold didn't take long to cease . The scent had already whirled within my system, causing my movements to go limp and made my consciousness reach an edge , prepared to slip . My eyes rolled as my hands felt limp.
My legs lost their strength almost to keep on standing and with the last brink of sense left in me , I felt myself being picked up with the same strong hold, one around my waist and another underneath my thighs. My head lulled back as I laid almost senseless in my abductor's arm , but then I felt my head being made to rest back on his chest while a whisper broke through the surge of doze I felt .
" Sleep well sweetheart. It will be a long journey ahead ." And then I gave in , the last bit of terror leaving my side as I felt the safety in this strong hold .
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